Iritis, or anterior uveitis, is the inflammation of the iris, the colored part of your eye. This condition can cause redness, pain, light sensitivity, and blurred vision. If left untreated, iritis can lead to more serious complications. We will discuss iritis treatment and help you understand the condition better. Symptoms of Iritis Recognizing iritis symptoms as soon […]
Our eyes are incredibly sensitive to irritation and susceptible to injury. Many irritants and conditions can share the same symptoms. In most cases, these are easily treatable and sometimes go away on their own. However, certain conditions require prompt attention to avoid them becoming worse and causing more severe issues, like vision loss. Each part […]
At The Eye Clinic, we sometimes see patients who come in thinking they have simple conjunctivitis, colloquially known as pink eye, because the white of their eye may be red and inflamed. But sometimes this isn’t conjunctivitis at all, but a more serious condition known as iritis. This is swelling and inflammation of the iris, […]
Iritis is not a well-known condition. Iritis is inflammation that affects the iris, the colored ring around your pupil. The causes of iritis are often a mystery, and the condition can progress at different speeds. But iritis isn’t to be taken lightly. If left untreated, iritis could lead to glaucoma or vision loss. We diagnose […]